All Countries That Start With the Letter A

countries starting with A

Did you know that if you start writing numbers (values) in words starting from 1 to 1000, you will not encounter the letter ‘A’ until you reach 1000?

Try it… This is despite the fact that ‘A’ is among the most used letters of the alphabet.

If A happens to be your favorite letter or better yet, if you like touring different parts of the globe, then this list of countries that start with the letter A will definitely wow you.

So, besides the first letter, do these countries have anything else in common?  Maybe, maybe not. I have prepared a summary of each of the nation’s key aspects to better answer this question.

Countries That Start With the Letter A:

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Albania
  3. Algeria
  4. Andorra
  5. Angola
  6. Antigua and Barbuda
  7. Argentina
  8. Armenia
  9. Australia
  10. Austria
  11. Azerbaijan


Countries That Start With A

Afghanistan is located where South and Central Asia meet. The first humans to settle in the country are thought to have lived there around 300,000 years ago.

Though ravaged by war, the country comes with some of the best historic sites in the world. There are ancient fortifications dotted amidst the beautiful countryside made up of mountains. 

This landlocked nation boasts of varying cultures from tribal societies that are predominantly Muslim. Diversity is also observed in the country’s cuisine made of its staples maize, wheat, and rice plus native fruits, herbs, and meat. 

The climate is generally arid with sunny summers and, in some areas, cold snowy winters. Due to safety issues, the country is best visited with the help of reputable tour companies with good local connections.  


In South-Eastern Europe, between Macedonia and the Adriatic sea is a small country called Albania. Its size is 11,100 sq mi with a population of approximately 3 million.

Albania’s Mediterranean climate causes sunny, dry summers and mild, rainy winters. The spring and autumn seasons offer the best weather for travel and outdoor activities.

Albania possesses pristine beaches, mountains, ecological scenes, and historical cities. Did you know that the country is home to Lake Ohrid, one of Europe’s oldest and deepest lakes? 

With no recognized official religion, Albanians still practice their beliefs. More interestingly, Albania is renowned for its religious tolerance amongst its predominant Muslim and Christian nationals.

If you find yourself in an Albanian ceremony, expect lots of hospitality and generosity. Also, prepare to eat lots of fruits, spices, vegetables, seafood, and dairy.


Algeria is the largest African country and the second-largest among countries that start with the letter A. It’s located in the North African region where it borders the Mediterranean Sea to the north.

Sahara, the second biggest desert in the world, is one of the country’s main attractions.

Algeria has a mild Mediterranean climate, comparable to that of California, US. Algiers, the capital, was founded during the Ottoman Empire’s rule of the region. To this day, Turkish architecture and history still dot the city. 

Another city of note is Constantine, founded by the Roman Empire and named after Emperor Constantine. 

About 99% of Algerians are Muslims with Arabic culture dominating the scene. The country also prides itself as a confluence of Turkish, Roman, African, and French cultures.


Andorra is the world’s only co-principality, meaning that it is jointly ruled by two princes. Nestled in the Pyrenees Mountains and bordering France and Spain, this is one of the smallest countries in Europe.

Other than the glacial sceneries and beautiful landscapes that come by default, Romanesque architecture, exotic dishes, numerous ski and hiking resorts are irresistible. Also, shoppers enjoy the lowest value-added tax in Europe.

The mountain climate in the area with hints of the Mediterranean climate leads to hot summers and winters that rarely drop below 23o F. Spring and fall experience the heaviest rains.

Andorra’s culture is influenced by the Romans and the neighboring countries. This comprises of a blend of classical and modern music, Catalan dances, diverse folklore, literature, and rich cuisine.


Angola is an oil-rich African country located in the Southern part of the continent. Luanda, located along the Atlantic Ocean, is the country’s largest city and a major seaport in the region. 

The majority of Angolans are Christian, half of these being Roman Catholics. Portuguese and African traditions dominate both urban and rural cultures in the nation.  

The country has a diverse climate due to its unique geographical location. It lies within the influence of the Kalahari Desert, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Congo forest. Temperatures in the region averages at around 600 F  in winter and 700 F in summer. 

Fun fact: The Cabinda province, one of Angola’s richest regions, is an enclave; it is located within the territories of two other nations; the two Congos. 

Antigua and Barbuda

Photo by Dr. Warner

This uniquely named country is located between the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean sea. It consists of several islands, with Antigua and Barbuda being the largest and most populated.

The nation enjoys a tropical climate with hot and humid weather all year round. While planning your vacation to the island, it would be wise to avoid June through November. This is the hurricane season which can cripple the islands’ infrastructure.  

West African and British influence make up the country’s cultural practices. Christianity is the region’s main religion with Rastafari and Islam also being practiced in some places.

Boat racing, soca music, surfing, and festivals are among the country’s main attractions. Additionally, the country is known for its many famous luxury resorts, sun, and sandy beaches.


Argentina is the largest Spanish speaking nation. It occupies most of the Southern part of the South American continent, bordering Chile and the Atlantic Ocean.

Argentina is a megadiverse country; it is not only home to most of the earth’s species but also harbors diverse location-specific species. Notable features include national parks, natural monuments, national reserves, attractive cities, spectacular landscapes, ski resorts, mountain peaks, and extensive beaches.

The country’s culture is a fusion of Italian, Spanish, and other European heritages with a dash of American Indian. Argentines are predominantly Roman Catholic but other Christian denominations and other religions also have followers.

Due to its large expanse from North to South, varied altitude and the presence of relief features, Argentina’s climate is diverse. The four seasons, therefore, feature different weather conditions.


Armenia is a Western Asian country known for its ancient cultural heritage. This Western Asian nation was the first to embrace Christianity as a state’s religion. The majority speak Armenian but the Russian language and culture are also rampant.

Here, the climate is highland continental with very cold winters and dry sunny summers. Most visitors in the country come to see the millennia-old churches and to ski and snowboard.    

Its geography is mainly mountainous with Mount Ararat as the highest peak. At 5165 meters, the mountain is a hikers’ paradise with summer as the favorite time to reach the top. 

Fun Fact: Did you know that Mt. Ararat is identified by some as the biblical “mountains of Ararat”? This would make it the resting place of Noah’s Ark.


This is the sixth-largest country in the world and the largest among countries that start with the letter A. Since it is a continent with several Islands, Australia’s climate is a combination of subtropical, oceanic, Mediterranean, and arid to semi-arid variations.

Geographically the country is isolated, giving it diverse species of plants and fauna that are unique to the nation. Most Australians live in the urban areas, leaving large tracts of land for wildlife like kangaroos, koalas, emus, and wombats to roam in.

The Australian culture is a blend of Aboriginal, Western, and Asian influences. The county enjoys religious freedom with the majority of people being Christians.    

The country’s Sydney Opera House, the Great Barrier Marine Park, and dozens of national parks are great tourist magnets.


Austria is a Central European nation whose capital Vienna is arguably Europe’s center of music, philosophy, and architecture. Viena is renowned for its ancient architecture and for being the capital of the Roman Empire.

Geographically, the country is at the center of Europe, making it a cultural hub. German is the country’s most spoken language with Hungarian, Slovene, and Croatian cultures also being of great impact. 

Austria is predominantly a Christian nation with Muslim communities making up approximately 8% of the population. Restaurants and food bazaars are dominated by the sweet smell of beef, pork, veggies, and pastries. 

About two-thirds of Austria lies within the Alps, making the climate cool and temperate. Winters are extremely cold with lows of 300 F, while summers are hot averaging at 800 F. 


One of the lesser-known countries, Azerbaijan borders Armenia and the Capsian Sea. Its geography is dominated by the sea, mountain ranges, and large flatlands in the country’s central region.

Its location between Europe and Asia puts the country at the crossroads of diverse climate zones. Nine out of the possible eleven climatic zones in the world are found within the country. Average temperatures range between 390 F and 790 F.  

The population is mainly Azerbaijanis with other nationalities making a sizable number. Music, literature, and folk art in the country is rich and comes with elements of the ancient world and especially in the capital, Baku.

Fun Fact: How tea is served in Azerbaijan can tell you how a relationship is fairing. Tea with sugar means you are on the right path. If without, then you need to do better.

Final Thoughts

After going through the list of countries that start with the letter A, you can agree with me that the common first letter aside (A), every country is independent and different in all aspects.

This is even more interesting since it shows how many possibilities we can create by putting countries in categories such as a common first letter.

On the other hand, did you realize how all the countries except Afghanistan and Azerbaijan also end with letter A? Now that is just weird, isn’t it?

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